Linktipps & small Thoughts

Für Interessierte/ For the ones curious to find more

auf Deutsch:

Politik Podcast Alternativlos                                 

'Sendung mit der Maus für Erwachsene'              

ARTE 'Mit offenen Karten'                                      
Fefes Blog                                                                 


in English:
Podcast Fourthought                                              

TED (ideas worth spreading)                                  




small Thoughts


°kilometres can't create distance between us°

°the hardest thing is to let go of an idea°

° we're young to get bloody knees, to get our heart broken, to see what is out there, to feel what there is to feel°

° the difference between being a tourist & a traveller is that travelling changes you°

° how can you expect someone else to make you happy when you don't know yet how to be happy by yourself°

° I've learned to be by myself and hardly ever alone°

° beautiful things should never be a problem°

° bitterness should die with disappointment°

° if you don't know what to say, saying so is a brilliant idea°

° a closet is no place for anyone to live°

° the world just has no right to speak in matters between two people°

° I don't need to name your demons to feel that mine are shared°

° to be able to love someone, not besides their bruses, but because of them°

° I can hold you if you need it, will let you go whenever you want to & welcome you back whenever you find that this doesn't only sound good°

° the difference between a bad day& a depression is like being hot or having a fever°

° being a parent is about raising someone who doesn't need you°

° it is not the places you go, but the people you meet°

° what is rewarded is repeated°

° everything is something happend°

° you can't be honest with others when you're not honest to yourself°

° both honesty& bravery need parctise°


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